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"Your site support is very good. I think that good, personal response to technical questions and prompt help is critical to a good site. Good luck with your site, I think your support policy is excellent."



Dear PFY, I met a great couple. I also met a girl! Thanks!

Can't Log in New Members
We are sorry to hear that you are having technical difficulties with our site , but this page should take care of all your concerns.

The easiest way to activate your membership is to copy and paste
your information into the text fields.

To copy highlight the desired text with your mouse and click "CTRL C" Then press" CRTL V" to enter it into the text fields on the validate.php page.


You will need 3 things.

1. Your nickname

2. Your password

3. Your activation code located in the e-mail you got from us.

If you are a new member, you will need to wait until your application for membership has been approved. This takes about 24-48 hours. If you are accepted into PFY you will receive an e-mail with a validation code in it along with your nickname and password. You will need to enter this information into the text fields on the validation page. Your password will not be activated until you do this. The information is all CaSe SeNsItIvE and that is why you got to this page. Please be patient as we will get to your application ASAP. Try entering the code if you have not already. You can use the copy and paste operations by highliting the text and pressing "control C" to copy and "controle V" to paste it tinto the text fields.

If you are new to PFY and not activated your account do not request a new password. Your account needs to be activated. Your info will be sent via e-mail as soon as we review your ad and approve it. Usually 24 hours

* E-mail address you left with us MUST be valid and activated. Some members allow their free e-mail accounts to be canceled by not logging into them on a regular basis or let their e-mail account be canceled. Hotmail, for example will cancel your account if you don't log in. Also if your e-mail box is filled (over quota), your e-mail will get bounced back to us and and you will not receive your validation code.


If you still encounter problems then forward the email, that contains the activation code, to us and we will take care of it.


Can't Log in Existing Members

If you are an EXISTING MEMBER, have already been accepted and have forgotten your password or nickname you can ask for a reminder below. Just enter your e-mail address that you signed up with and an e-mail will be sent to you ASAP.

* E-mail address you left with us MUST be valid and activated. Some members allow their free e-mail accounts to be canceled by not logging into them on a regular basis. Hotmail, for example will cancel your account if you don't log in. Also if your e-mail box is filled, your e-mail will get bounced back to us and we will be forced to delete your ad. A filled e-mail box shows us that e-mail's are not answered. This ensures that ALL e-mail addys on PFY are valid and working. If members can't reply to your ad then your ad will get deleted. Make sure your e-mail is working and valid! This will make for a quality site!



Don't worry, provide your E-mail address that you signed up with,
and we will E-mail your information.

Your E-mail Address:


Still having trouble? If you still encounter problems then forward the email, that contains the activation code, to us and we will take care of it. Forward to





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